Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Muggle, please

So I want to join the rest of the world in talking about Harry Potter.

First, I never loved Harry. Sure, he was interesting. He had drama and crisis. He had the sexy power vibe going-well in potentia. He is a super young boy and not really sexy. He is a rich orphan boy reaching out for a family. Its pretty close to the Escape from Witch Mountain fantasy I had when I was a young girl. So there was nothing very new or interesting in Harry's psyche. I loved the creative arc of the stories and admire most of the ways the stories fit together. But we've all imagined ourselves as Harry. He's angsty glamour.

No, the character I really love in the Harry Potter books is the sidekick, Ron Weasley.

Ron is the friend I wish I was. Hell, he's the person I wish I was. He sticks with stuff that doesn't come easily. He sticks with his butthead friend even as he is overlooked and feels impoverished compared to Harry. Its only fair that he ends up with the love of Hermione. Not that she's a super dooper catch. There is nothing wrong with her, I actually wonder if she isn't really there to reward Ron for hanging in there. Especially in book 7 when we find out her big role is to slow Harry up so he has time to get into the right frame of mind to accept circumstances.

I think Hermione lost her flavor as a individual in the last book. Just as Ron really hit his stride. He's pretty much the best sidekick ever. He accomplished much on his own terms even though he didn't have any advantages. This rambles way too much. I am distracted by some of the Ron Burgandy stuff Mike wants me to enjoy. This is really weird.

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