Monday, September 08, 2008

Growing older

So today is just another Monday. I'm bummed about the election. I really really wanted HRC. I used to respect John McCain. Somehow he quit being John McCain and became a Republican party shill. Obama never really fired my imagination. He seems too hopeful and inspiring to actually get anything done. Sarah Palin, well, lets just say that at least she's pretty. For a pitbull.

I'm looking forward to autumn. I'm done at usps the end of the month. I expect to have adventures in blue collar work and maybe do some massage after that. I love working with my hands. I adore working with people. I want a job with a lot of social contact and flexibility for my yoga classes and running. Writing would be great too. Massage is wonderful but you just don't get interaction with clients. They usually are so zoned out or asleep you have to coax them off the table at the end of a session.

I need to start getting yearly mammograms, so I've got that going for me. I'm still looking for nice group of people to hang out with. I've decided to explore this poly-thing a little closer. It doesn't surprise me that people would get together to support each others ideas about sexual lifestyle. It does make me nervous. Sometimes I feel absurdly fringe. And I'm not even wiccan or any of the other billion things many people who live this way are. I expect I will engage with and adore them. Then our lives will take us all in different directions and we will adore each other from afar. In a way, I can't wait.

My ring is at the jeweler's. It is getting sized. I love it. I'm so happy to be marrying Mike. I anticipate each day the things we will do and discover together.

Oh, here's some of the bookmarks on my computer. Sometimes when I'm bored I go looking for anything new. Maybe you like that too.

and my favorite